About Tubz N'at™

Tubz N'at™ is a fully prepared meals company based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We aim to provide healthy and convenient meals to busy professionals living in the surrounding areas. Tubz N'at™ is perfect for individuals and families seeking meal solutions that align with their busy lifestyles and dietary preferences.

Food, Friends, and Family has always been an integral part of our lives. Whether getting together for huge holiday fests or weekly Sunday suppers, gathering around the dinner table, sharing stories, and celebrating heritage with family recipes... food always came into play. 

There were also times when food didn't come easily, so being resourceful was a must. Dining out was a luxury reserved for special events. If I wanted to experience a "fancy" cuisine, I was making it myself. Food let me travel all around the world without ever leaving the comfort of our house.

For years, friends and family always said that we should do something food related. After all, you could say it's in my DNA. Like so many kids, my first taste of a food business was a lemonade stand. From the age of 5, having one during the Summer and after school was a regular occurrence. Lemonade, Kool-Aid... cups of popcorn... baked goods... and even pulled pork sandwich being sold to people leaving church.

Picture It... Jeannette, 2002... I'm sitting around with "the guys" waiting for the Pittsburgh Steelers to play... and the conversation gets around to how N'at is "a thing" in Pittsburgh...

I say... "one day I'm going to open up a food spot called Taters N'at... Everyone loves potatoes and I'll serve other stuff, too..."

And Taters became Tubz, when my affinity for sending home friends and family with deli tubs full of food anytime they come over for dinner. You know... like, the plastic ones you get your pasta salad in "daun at Gian' Igle"... So that's how we got our name... 

What started our Meal Prep way of cooking? Well... that has a story connected to it. Like so many people, our eating wasn't always the healthiest, especially growing up when food wasn't the easiest to come by. When we did eat, it was large portions. Fast food and buffets also made regular appearances.

Hit hardest by circumstances and personal choices was my mother. By 2007, her weight and health weren't the greatest. She was a Type 2 Diabetic, on countless medications for various conditions, required oxygen, and underwent knee replacement surgery with subsequent complications.

After an accident during the healing process of the knee surgery, I made a commitment to get her health back in order. I didn't want her to diet. She'd tried every one under the sun with little to no success. Instead, I wanted her to focus on a variety of foods, but putting an importance on portion size. This change helped her lose over 250 lbs., got her off oxygen and the majority of her medications, and extended her life an addition 9 years. Sadly, she passed away in 2016... but her memory lives on in many of the recipes we still use today.

After her passing, I thought I owed it to her, but also to myself, to take my own personal health into account. Busy work schedules led us to making the same poor choices as I did growing up. Getting dinner on the table after a long day was an afterthought. It was easier to grab some fast food or heat up some overly processed garbage.

Why couldn't we do the same thing we encouraged Mom to do? The answer was simple... we could, we just chose not to. We finally made the decision to start bulk cooking ourselves, not just out of health concerns, but due to convenience. Running our business, OverSoyed Artisan Handcrafted Products,  we simply didn't have the extra hour every day to figure out what to cook, then go through the entire process of making meals.

Instead, we used our weekends to make 3-4 meals in bulk, then freeze them for easy daily options to choose from. After a few months, we had 3 freezers full of homemade meals that could be heated in minutes, instead of an hour, and as a result, we had more time for important things... and I've managed to lose 60+ lbs. and keep it off.

Whether you choose Tubz N'at™ for portion control or simply for convenience... choose us for your next meal.